Monday, October 14, 2013

Early Autumn 2014

O mai veche dorinta a mea a fost sa creez rochia completa, pornind de la idealul setat de nemuritorul Yves. O rochie care nu mai "cere" decat o pereche de incaltari traznete. Ca sunt bocanci de lac sau tocuri ametitoare, asta ramane la latitudinea fiecareia dintre voi. Printre creatiile actuale veti gasi cateva piese de tranzitie, foarte versatile, care pot fi purtate cu aceeasi lejeritate si in miezul verii, dar si in toiul iernii, daca sunt accesorizate cu imaginatie :). Pentru acest inceput sfios de toamna am folosit materiale fine, precum vascoza, bumbacul imprimat si voalul cu diverse texturi. Captuselile sunt pline si confortabile, iar fustele ample permit doritoarelor sa le poarte cu jupe voluminoase, pentru un plus de efect. Enjoy!

Much has been said about combining prints but most women are still reluctant to try "out of the box" mixes. This collection presents compositions of several prints and textures. Here we have polka dots, tartan, cotton lace and ethnic sash. Who would've thought? 

A gift for myself on my 30th birthday. 

 School starts in September, right? This piece reminds us of that. A very soft, pleasant and low maintanance fabric, classic model.


Turquoise-green jacket and dress made of oriental prints and tulle


Veil skirt and wool top


Cotton dresses with a relaxed cut 


Classic black and white. I would "break" the ensemble with mustard yellow shoes. Statement dress, pencil skirt, embroidered with beads along the neckline and around the sleeves.

Transparent top, velvet polka doted elastic tulle dress. 

Is there some other combination of colours that yells out "autumn's here!!!!"?

Veil top and black veil skirt


Silk skirt with tiny red flowers and golden strands

Very elegant tafetta top dress, veil skirt

Fluid veil dress, ruffles around the neckline and at the sleeves. 


Big flowers in red and purple. Relaxed cut. 

Veil dress with tiny flowers in orange, beige and black. Lace embroidery at the neck.


Satin dress in autumnal colours. Open pleats.



Relaxed cut coat, 100% wool, 3/4 sleeves


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